Blood, Bone, Breath (2021 - ongoing)

Enter a womb-like installation – a soft, red room alive with the ebb and flow of three performers’ movement. You’re invited to rest and relax as the dancers follow their senses to navigate their relationship to each other and their space on two red rugs.

Accompanied by a meditative soundscape, imagery emerges and disappears in cycles of metamorphosis. Blood Bone Breath is co-created by dance artists Hollie Miller and Hannah Buckley with live sound from Craig Scott.

The installation brings together movement, image and sound to prioritise softness, slowing down and cultivating deep listening. Blood Bone Breath is about intimacy, agency and being in relation to one another.

‘As time passes in the presence of this work, my body softens and opens to curiosity. Where are we? Are they human? Am I inside a human?’ Fabiano Culora, Somatic Movement Artist, Educator and Therapist.

‘The collaboration between Hannah and Hollie is a highly textured one -- full of contours, stretch, fiber and adaptability’ Amy Voris, dance maker.

‘They somehow managed to communicate mystery, surrender, discovery, endurance and other qualities I can’t name in a way that allowed me to get drawn into the action’ Wendy Houstoun, artist.

Durational Performance Installation (min 1 hour)

​Single Channel Video Installation, 14 Minutes 28 Seconds, HD, Colour, Sound

​Costumes: Hollie Miller

Video: camera - Eleanor Sikorski, ed​iting - Hollie Miller, sound - Craig Scott

Performances: Leeds Art Gallery (27 April 2023); Wainsgate Dances, Hebden Bridge (21 Jan 2023); NottDance, Nottingham (6 Oct 2022); Site Gallery, Sheffield (3 Sept 2022); San Mei Gallery, London (27 Mar 2022)

Video Installations: Yorkshire Dance, Leeds (18 Nov 2022); Giant, Bournemouth (19 Jun - 3 Sept 2022)

​Pubic online workshops and reading group sessions with invited practitioners: Murat Adash (27 & 28 Sept 2021); Anushiye Yarnell (18 & 19 Oct 2021); Laura Burns (1 & 2 Nov 2021); Lucy Suggate (8 & 9 Nov 2021)

​Developed during micro residencies at Yorkshire Dance, Wainsgate Dances and Studio 307

Funded by Arts Council England